Saturday, October 25, 2008

It was one of those weeks that you wish would vaporize, as soon as they were over.

Four good people I know lost their jobs where I work this week. I hate it but what I hate more is that instead of feeling total sympathy for them, I am scared about my own job security. I have no reason to be worried, I know. I'm doing great and if I make a mistake, I never make it twice. I answer the phones. I let angry listeners rant and rant to me, so by the time they talk to the managers they are less angry. I do all that.

All of that came to mind, as I heard that the 4 people were being let go. Towards the end of the week, the office got this frozen ambiance that you could slice with a knife, it was so thick. It was like people were looking over their shoulder twice, suspicious of everyone. It's stressful for employees and managers a like.

But somehow, amidst all of that, I was able to walk out the door on Friday and the fog lifted and I was FREE for two whole days! I don't know if it's because I'm older or wiser....but even though I do worry, I know that things will be ok.

May all of you have a stress free weekend. Full of love, life and good things.

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