Friday, May 23, 2008

I came home, smelling of Chocolate

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White wine, chips, dips, CHOCOLATE.

The essential ingredients to the perfect girls night out....or in.
Who says you have to dress in tight fitting clothes and go to a club and dance while rubbing up against sweaty strangers that smell of beer to have fun with your best gal friends? I won't deny that the afore mentioned activity doesn't have its merits! But often, it's nice to get off the beaten path and try something new.

.....Like what we did in high-school. Arrive at our friends house, giddy with excitement for the coming night. There would be snacks and movies and activities. All wholesome and fun. We'd talk about guys, yoga, clothes, school, family, friend etc. Everything.

Since moving to Fayetteville, I haven't had one of those special nights. Finally, last night, I went to my first girl's night out. All who attended, myself included, were grad students at the University of Arkansas. That was only one of our common bonds. Topics such as photography, Aerial dance, yoga, baking,cooking, the follies of men...all filled our conversation.

It was a beautiful night of friendship. I suggest all women give it a try soon.

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