Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Evening Laundry

My favorite time to do laundry is in the evening, when the sky has turned to a robin's egg blue, and the moon is peeking through the dissolving clouds. It's calming and sweet ~ mixed with the smell of fresh laundry detergent.
I write a lot about the morning light on my blog, but have a whole other kind of respect of the evening light. It's blissful and soft. It turns the harsh asphalt parking lot outside of my apartment into a pastel wonderland. It makes me sleepy and happy, content to wind down my day.
I'm not hauling my laundry across the prairie as Laura Ingalls Wilder did, after scrubbing it in the creek. Just a 50 feet from the laundry building to my front door. But I can still wallow in the sweet, warming evening as she would have done. And look at the winking stars.

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