Saturday, July 26, 2008

The heat is on

It's amazing me, even as a Midwestern girl who is used to hot summers, how lush vegetation and flowers manage to survive in Arkansas summers.

Last weekend my good friend Trish came to visit. We spent about 15 minutes photographing the square in Fayetteville around 3pm. That's as much as we were able to stand of the sun and heat, because we finally relinquished our artistic positions among the flowers for the A.C. of the car.

And while the flowers in Fayetteville's square managed to keep their glow and vibrancy even as the sun beat down upon them - ours was of a different sort. Dripping and red, we headed off to grab a smoothie.

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1 comment:

Maggie May said...

i went to Nashville a few summers ago with my family to visit relatives and it was 105 degrees the entire time, no joke. i'm from mississippi and i was still shocked. and it was sooo green and beautiful.