Monday, August 25, 2008

It's funny how a simple thing can trigger your memory.

Tonight, I was walking to get groceries. There is a large open field near the store that I frequent, and I've always admired how the sun tickles the tips of the tall grass as it starts to set. For some reason today, I move in closer. The field sloped down into a hill that led to a large grouping of houses below. But the thing that caught my eye was a large grouping of sunflowers, standing alone near the side walk where I was.

Immediately, I thought of this picture that my dad had taken before I was born - apparently we had sunflowers in our back yard. My sister Emily was standing near there, in only her shirt and diaper, clutching a bowel full of cheerios. She had the same wide eyed look that her son Miles now has. Standing next to something so bright and tall must've been quite astonishing.

It's what I needed on a Monday night - a little dash of nostalgia =)

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