Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Religion is kind of a weird subject for me.

I was raised Unitarian and after 10 or so years of half heartedly "looking elsewhere", I have come to the conclusion that I am fine where I am.

I believe in god and that's it. I'm good. 

Somehow I got into a discussion of religion with some coworkers yesterday. They asked me "don't you want to have a relationship with God? Don't you want to be saved?"

My question "Saved from what?" seemed to baffle them. 

That's when I said "Let's not talk about religion or politics. I'm not well versed on either subject."

I guess the more and more I encounter religion, the more satisfied I am with how I handle it. I believe there is a God and I believe that he is there to help all of us. I believe that people are generally good and that if you don't cheat, kill or do any really bad stuff, you're going to be ok.

I also believe that everyone should be able to view their religion and God(s) in their own way. It's what makes us unique :-D



strawb3rries said...

I definitely see where you are coming from in regard to religion! I didn't know anything at all until I went to a christian camp when I was 14 and told that I would spend an eternity in hell unless I said out loud that Jesus died in order for me to be able to sin and still go to heaven. I was really kindof scared into it, I think. Maybe there is some golden Holy book somewhere that is full of signatures and maybe mine is in there... maybe it's not. It's silly to say "do exactly this and you won't go to hell" because God is the only true Judge...

Happy in the Hamptons said...

Exactly! :)